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Thursday, December 8, 2011

Different Ways Bloggers Make Money

Blogging is a very lucrative market. Bloggers who make real money online do not happen to make so overnight. A lot of work has been put into it; writing the posts, promoting them, gaining and maintaining readers, enagaging a friendly blog environment and so on. Readership, is no doubt, the lifeline of any blog.

Here are some ways bloggers make money online

In Summary, the different ways bloggers make money are form the following; 

Advertising Platforms
Blog Space Advertising
Paid Blog Posts
Sale of Products and Services
Selling eBooks

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

How to Increase Adsense Revenue

If you own a blog or a site, you would want to earn money from it. Google Adsense is the most common revenue system available at your disposal. Here are things you need to consider and be aware of if you are looking to make a decent amount for all your efforts.

Work Your Content to Your Advantage
Keyword stuffing is something Google frowns upon and if you are prone to that kind of content creation there is little wonder in why your Adsense revenue is on the red. The best way to work your content to your advantage is to write like you would normally write. Then, do your keyword research on the content you have written. After that try to tweak your content such that you can fit in the keyword into your content without letting it  become an intrusion.

Place Your Adsense Ads to Your Advantage
Adsense help page shows you various ways you can place your ads to your advantage. One thing I have had success with is including ads within my blog posts. This way, the ads showing are relevant to the the content and the probability of them getting clicked which translates to Adsense Revenue is high.

Gain Traffic to Your Advantage
Do no try the link for link services or pay exorbitant amounts of money for traffic. These do not work and you will end up with a high frustration level than you are already. The keywords in your content would help you get traffic and you can promote your links and ideas via social networking platforms where real readers will click to read more about what you are offering. Less is more. If you start flooding these sites with your links, you will get banned.

Revise Your Adsense Ads to Your Advantage
Once you have you traffic and can see the results, you will need to revise and utilise what is working. For that, you need to be constantly checking where your entry points are and also the exit points. Moreover, you need to identify topics that are getting readers and topics that are getting readers out of your site as well. If you notice that certain ads are not contributing to your site readers you need to consider blocking them as well.

Try these and see if they work out. If you need more help,o drop me a line and I will respond at the earliest.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

What is Formal Writing

There are 2 types of writing that you will come across; Informal and Formal. This post is directed at understanding what entails formal writing.

Formal Writing is a done when you are unfamiliar with your audience or when you are presenting a subject matter that is serious.

Basically your writing style is depicted by who your target readers are and what subject matter you are dealing with and for which publication you are writing for.

Characteristics of a Formal Piece

Direct and to the point. There is no room for beating around the bush to put your point across. This is also known as blunt writing.

No abbreviations are used.

Facts are merely stated with supporting arguments or evidence.

Sources are quoted in order to substantiate the writing and this is expected of the writer.

No personal feelings or opinions are stated in formal writing.

Also, any address to the reader is kept utterly formal and no first names are used.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

5 Ways to Stop Dreaming and Start Writing

We all have the tendency to put off something that we feel we need to do "now." It is strange that we feel so compelled by an idea, so great that we keep thinking about how great the idea is and do not do anything about it. I call this dreaming and dreaming itself is not going to out the words onto the papers (read blog, if you wish). So, let's look at 5 ways you can actually stop dreaming and start writing.

1) Focus on the Main Thing First

Sometimes, the very that holds us back is the thought. We think about an idea and start fantasising about it so much that we get into really intricate details. You could start thinking about what pictures you could use to really put your idea across. You could be thinking about where you can piblicize your work. You may even start jeopordizing your work by starting to think if it is at all worth it.

The main point here is that you have forgotten the main thing! Your Writing. You need to write. What you want to do with your writing and how you can enhance it, apart from all other "very important" thing are not as important as putting your ideas and thoughts into writing, first!

2) Fine Tune That Main Thing

Once you have written something, you need to fine tune it before you start adding the bells and whistles. You need to check the basics such as grammar, punctuation, spelling and the little details that could make your writing error free. What you want to call your work, such as coming up with title and subtitle or even the synopsis, can wait.

3) Do not Re-invent

If something you want to say has already been said, accept it! You need not re-invent the wheel unless you have something more compelling to say or you can say it in a more understanding or creative way. A little bit of research could help with this.

4) Tell Others What You are Doing

When you let people know what you are working on, you will tend to follow it through than when you keep the thoughts to yourself. This is proven to be true most of time, in my case. Actually what telling others will do is that it helps you to say your intention. That intention when spoken will become a reality as you have now made someone else a part of it.

5) Get Contacts

You may be working on a writing that requires professional input. Well, you will not know all the people in the world. However, there are people whom you know who could possibly put you across to the right contact.

In summary, a career in writing is only possible for those who are willing to take their dream  and make the most of it. To make your dream a rality, what actions have you taken? Feel free to comment.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

How to ACE Blogging

I believe that if you are a serious freelancer, you need to blog. Blogging is one way you can communicate your ideas and research directly. Also, you can offer your blog to the clients to get a taste of what and who you are before they hire you. Many people blog for fun. If you are a freelancer, you need to be a bit more responsible. Responsible blogging will not only keep you out of trouble but will also enhance your employability.

Offer Credit Where Due
The last thing you need shoved in your face a plagiarism tag. It is impossible to write something which has not been already written. This is true if you are writing about stuff that is general, in particular. So many people write and about the same stuff too.

The way you can be different is to write from your own experience and if you have done any sort of research, to offer credit. If you do not offer credit where due, you will get caught soon and you will lose all credibility if your client is the one who catches you. Starting from scratch is not fun and you seriously do not want to go through that.

Allow Comments on Your Blog
Allowing reader comments not only shows that you care for the readers opinion but it helps you in improving your blog posts. I know that the main reason you turn off comments on your blog is due to the excessive spamming you might have encountered. This can be overcome by moderating comments as well as installing anti spam plug-in on your blog. Feeling lazy?

Don't be. We are talking about responsible blogging and laziness is not considered a responsible act. So, enable comments on your blog now and let your readers connect with you.

Also note that the search engines love current content and allowing comments on your blog keeps your blog post alive and current.

Moreover, when your clients see that you interact with your readers, they will feel more at ease with trusting you with their assignments.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

3 Ways to Increase Blog or Article Readership

The biggest concern for any blogger or online writer is to increase readership. Rising above the clutter is a big headache. Here are 3 ways you can increase readership to your blog posts, articles or virtually anything you want to draw readership to. Just ensure that you follow through and try it out.

1. Spin Stories
Don't blurt our facts or figures or go on about about what you have to say. Spin a story. If you have not read a children's book in the recent times, you would do yourself some good by reading some now. This is because the attention span of kids are minute and to get them engrossed is a huge win by itself. Everyone of us has a child that yearns for a good story. And we all respond to a well told story as well even if it has been told numerous times before. How many times have we watched a movie based on dinosaurs or even a love story. They all have the same elements. However, it is the way the story is told each and every time that creates a blockbuster. Therefore, it is time you started telling stories to put your point across.

2. Say it Like a Conversation
Whenever you speak to a person your words flow naturally. Have you tried editing your words as you speak? It will sound horrible and the other person will get confused as well. Therefore, write as if you are speaking to a person. Let the words flow. There is no need for jargon or long words in your blog posts or articles. Just write like you normally speak and your readers will love you.

3. Write Experiences
People love reading about experiences. How you felt while you did something will attract more readers than just stating mere facts. If you do not have an experience to share, which would be quite unlikely, you should draw the experience from others. Write from their experience in your own words. Provide each and every intriguing detail so that your readers will get transported to the place or event of interest. This is also called engaging your readers.

Write so that you impart some of your soul to others. Write so that others get inspired. Write so that your legacy lives on. Words, by themselves, are powerless. How you, as a writer, uses the words to your advantage will define how powerful those words can be.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Find it Hard or Impossible to make Money Writing?

Freelance Writing is one of the ways you can make money from home. There are various ways you can earn money online. However, I am sure you would have tried all that by now or are starting to find your way. Do you find yourself in a situation where you keep working and nothing productive seems to come out of it? Do you feel like you are working yourself 24 hours, writing great articles for your blog and no one bothers to show up and read?

It happens and it happens to all the people but some. These some people are far and few between. And there is a very good reason why people are noticing their work and not yours! And that is because.... I'll come back to that later but let me ask you a few things first.

Do you feel you deserve to be read?

Do you feel you are providing a service to your readers?

Do you feel that you deserve the money that comes to you in the form of residual income?

Do you feel the need to justify your time spent on your computer working unlike most people who hold a 9-5 job?

If you answered "Yes!" to any of the above questions, you have limiting beliefs! With limiting beliefs, you will only attract limiting results! This is the law of the universe. The more you feel you not deserve something, the more the universe will deprive you of it!

If you feel you are writing worthless pieces, the universe reciprocates and no one reads those pieces anyway! This further enhances your limiting belief and you start feeling more worthless and the cycle continues!

If you feel that you have written a masterpiece and you need to have an audience now, you are limiting yourself as well. You cannot force someone to read your work. You need to do your best and let the universe do the rest! By best, I mean a few things.

1) You need to write the best piece (I'll write another post on how you can do that, if you aren't already!)
2) You need to promote your work
3) You need to believe in your work
4) You need to let go of your work and start working on another asap
5) You need to be grateful and be ready to receive comments and criticisms
6) You need to be ready to receive the residual income

Remember I mentioned the few people before? If you do not, go back and read again. These people have that something which you do not have. That is "BELIEF!" aka "FAITH!"

They do their best work and let the universe do the rest.

Money is like water. You need to let it flow. If you nourish limiting beliefs, it is like stagnant water. It does not flow and it does not enrich!

Make an oath today. Promise yourself that you will do your best and only your best. You will see that you will see that money will start flowing towards you.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The Power Of Questions!

As a writer, what is your most important job?

Think about this for a while and write down whatever comes to your mind. After you have done that, read on.

You would have come up with various things a writer is supposed to do; writing, putting across a message, make a living and so. Would you agree with me if I said that the most important thing a writer MUST do is to engage the reader?

Yet many miss this point completely. What intrigues a reader more than questions!

"Did you know........?"
"Have you noticed.......?"
"Wouldn't it be ................?"
"Let me ask you........."

All of these statements make your reader sit up and take notice. You may have a point to make to your reader. However, when you do not make that point point blank and lead your reader to make that point to himself, you have a winner! The power of questions is such that the reader will not only be convinced by your message but he will also not doubt it. He will not doubt it because he believes he drew the conclusion himself.

Therefore, use questions in your writing more often and see how that engages your reader and how successfully you are able to make your point!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Reasons Why You Must Write About Things You Know Nothing About

Freelancers tend to fall into the monotonous ritual of writing about the same stuff they know about. Mostly many freelancers are experts in not more than 3 fields. As such they take up topics from clients or write personally about these 3 topics at most. What happens in the long run is that they tend to get repetitive and as such the quality starts to suffer. Here are why you must write about things you know nothing about!

Broaden Your Niche

You may be very happy writing what you know. At the same time, you will find much more happiness when you widen your horizon and learn new things. Have you forgotten the childhood excitement at discovering new things!

Broaden Your Research Material

As you start reading up about other things apart from your niche, you start gaining new research materials. Most often than not, you will be able to use the new materials to freshen up your perspectives about your own niches. As such, you are adding on to your previous research materials which you can fall back on to provide a new and fresh perspective to your own niche articles. You will be able to rewrite your previous articles as well with a new twist.

Gain New Clients and Improve Relation with Old Ones

As a freelancer you will always be on the lookout for new clients who need you services. When you can write about more things, you will be able to find new clients who demand new things. As such, you will be gaining relationship with new clients with diverse interests. This can also be used to update you bio-data and will serve as an impressive part to your current base of clients as well when they consider re-hiring you. You will come across as a person who is constantly and consistently learning new things and nothing can be a good tool as this to improve your clients perception of you.

In conclusion, it is better to start learning and writing about things you have little or no knowledge of. Do a research on what other people are writing about as well as reading about. This will give you an idea where to start. Writing about things you know nothing about will open up a lot of opportunities which you will never discover if you keep writing for the same niche.

Best of Luck :)
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