Freelance Writing is one of the ways you can make money from home. There are various ways you can earn money online. However, I am sure you would have tried all that by now or are starting to find your way. Do you find yourself in a situation where you keep working and nothing productive seems to come out of it? Do you feel like you are working yourself 24 hours, writing great articles for your blog and no one bothers to show up and read?
It happens and it happens to all the people but some. These some people are far and few between. And there is a very good reason why people are noticing their work and not yours! And that is because.... I'll come back to that later but let me ask you a few things first.
Do you feel you deserve to be read?
Do you feel you are providing a service to your readers?
Do you feel that you deserve the money that comes to you in the form of residual income?
Do you feel the need to justify your time spent on your computer working unlike most people who hold a 9-5 job?
If you answered "Yes!" to any of the above questions, you have limiting beliefs! With limiting beliefs, you will only attract limiting results! This is the law of the universe. The more you feel you not deserve something, the more the universe will deprive you of it!
If you feel you are writing worthless pieces, the universe reciprocates and no one reads those pieces anyway! This further enhances your limiting belief and you start feeling more worthless and the cycle continues!
If you feel that you have written a masterpiece and you need to have an audience now, you are limiting yourself as well. You cannot force someone to read your work. You need to do your best and let the universe do the rest! By best, I mean a few things.
1) You need to write the best piece (I'll write another post on how you can do that, if you aren't already!)
2) You need to promote your work
3) You need to believe in your work
4) You need to let go of your work and start working on another asap
5) You need to be grateful and be ready to receive comments and criticisms
6) You need to be ready to receive the residual income
Remember I mentioned the few people before? If you do not, go back and read again. These people have that something which you do not have. That is "BELIEF!" aka "FAITH!"
They do their best work and let the universe do the rest.
Money is like water. You need to let it flow. If you nourish limiting beliefs, it is like stagnant water. It does not flow and it does not enrich!
Make an oath today. Promise yourself that you will do your best and only your best. You will see that you will see that money will start flowing towards you.