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Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Have you Started using Twitter Yet?

You must be joking if you answered that you haven't started using Twitter yet! Twitter has caught on like fire and is being much more widely used than any other social networking platform ever existed. Compare Twitter usage and volume of posts to favorite Social Networking sites such as FaceBook, Orkut, StumbleUpon, Reddit (Reddit is still going strong btw), Digg (was the most popular site and is quicklyy fading away), Delicious and many others.

What is it that makes Twitter so powerful and attractive? How could you, as a freelance writer, make use of this platform to better your standing?

Twitter is a micro blogging, social networking site with a very simple chat-like interface. Chat interface has been around for long and many of us are comfortable and familiar with the usage. This is the first factor that brings the user closer to the platform than any other socila networking site.

Next, Twitter functions like a mobile phone. Ever sent SMS before? If yes, you would know that SMS has its character limitations. Similarly on Twitter, you are limited by 140 characters. Say what you want to say to whoever you wish to in precise, concise manner. No one has the time to go through grandfather stories to understand what you have to say. Make it quick and if there is enough meat, interested parties will bite and follow up on your message.

And yes, twitter is like an open market. Anyone can see your tweets and you can view any other person's tweet unless privacy settings are changed. The search functions and other widgets that support Twitter are immense and so useful that you have a very powerful promotional and marketing tool sitting right in front of your screen. That too for FREE by the way. As such, if you are still not bothered to find out how Twitter can help your freelance activities, you are losing out.

So, as a freelance writer, how could you utilise such a powerful platform? What could you possibly do with an application that is so powerful? Check out Beginners Guide to Twitter for Freelance Writer to find out more.


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